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mai 2024



L’empreinte écoloque et les articles sportifs
19/01/2007 - Lire la suite
Canal s’engage dans des documentaires sur le développement durable avec LES NOUVEAUX EXPLORATEURS
19/01/2007 - Lire la suite
Le secteur des sports d’hiver est en danger
19/01/2007 - Lire la suite
Quelques sites

Ecobase 21
Sportsnature.org : Réseau des Chercheurs et Experts en Sports de Nature et de Montagne
Actualité du développement durable : Médiaterre système d’information mondial francophone pour le développement durable
Green & Gold : The Sustainable Sport Source
Le site portail de la Fondation Nicolas Hulot
The American Sport Art Museum and Archives (ASAMA)
Sports and Marks
Quelques jeux

Mot croisé du 17/11/2006

Accueil > Vivable > Education à l’environnement
mercredi 15 novembre 2006
popularité : 9

Camp sport et Nature

Camp sport et Nature


Mot clés associés

UNEP started its work on sport and the environment in 1994 its objectives are to :

Promote the integration of environmental considerations in sports ;
Use the popularity of sports to promote environmental awareness and respect for the environment among the public, especially young people ;
Promote the development of environmentally friendly sports facilities and the manufacture of environmentally friendly sporting goods.
Further Resources
Impact of the environment on sport
Impact of sport on the environment
International Olympic Committee - Sport and Environment Commission

Since 2002, UNEP has participated in a task force of the UN Secretary-General on the use of sport for the implementation of the United Nations Development Goals.

A major aspect of UNEP’s work is with the International Olympic Committee (IOC). A cooperative agreement was signed in 1994 with IOC and an Agenda 21 for Sport and Environment developed. UNEP also supports the IOC in organizing world conferences and regional seminars on sport and the environment.

UNEP also cooperates with the Global Sports Alliance (GSA), a Japan-based organization, to organize a biennial Global Forum for Sport and Environment. UNEP and GSA established, a Nature and Sport Training Camp in August 2001 for children from Africa’s biggest slum, Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya.

In February 2003, at the UNEP Governing Council in Nairobi, Kenya, UNEP’s work in the area of sport and environment received uninamous endorsement by governments. A long-term strategy on sport and the environment - adopted by the Council - required UNEP to increase its work on sport and the environment. On this basis, UNEP is approaching various international and sport organizations for partnerships.

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