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vendredi 17 novembre 2006
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World traditional sports festival in 2008


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Busan to stage world traditional sports festival in 2008

South Korea’s second-largest city Busan is to host the 2008 World Festival of Traditional Games and Sports, city officials said Tuesday.

Officials of the city’s preparatory organization said that thirty three representatives from 19 countries and regions had decided that Busan would be the venue for the next festival during an executive board meeting.

Busan won in a competition with such big cities as Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and Darmstadt in Germany to host the international private sports festival, they said.

For the festival, which takes place every four years, teams from 106 member countries and regions will engage in traditional and newly emerging sports, allowing other participants to experience them.

The organizer is the private association Trim and Fitness International Sports for All Association (TAFISA), which is based on Sports for All associations in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, France and other countries.

TAFISA members work to integrate health, physical education, recreative activities, environmental and free-time organizations.

Source : Xinhua

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