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mai 2024



L’empreinte écoloque et les articles sportifs
19/01/2007 - Lire la suite
Canal s’engage dans des documentaires sur le développement durable avec LES NOUVEAUX EXPLORATEURS
19/01/2007 - Lire la suite
Le secteur des sports d’hiver est en danger
19/01/2007 - Lire la suite
Quelques sites

Ecobase 21
Sportsnature.org : Réseau des Chercheurs et Experts en Sports de Nature et de Montagne
Actualité du développement durable : Médiaterre système d’information mondial francophone pour le développement durable
Green & Gold : The Sustainable Sport Source
Le site portail de la Fondation Nicolas Hulot
The American Sport Art Museum and Archives (ASAMA)
Sports and Marks
Quelques jeux

Mot croisé du 17/11/2006

Accueil > Vivable
mardi 14 novembre 2006
popularité : 9

Plateforme sport et environnement


Mot clés associés

Global Forum for Sports and Environment (G-ForSE)

The Global Forum for Sports and Environment (G-ForSE) is a platform for athletes, sports federation, sports goods manufacturers and governments to determine their roles in consolidating action for the environment. The G-ForSE website highlights real examples of environmental action in sports, and is the largest database of its kind available.

The G-ForSE Global Forum, organized by NPO Global Sports Alliance (GSA) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), is held every two years and brings together the representatives of sports federations, sports facilities, professional athletes and the sporting goods industry to assess progress and develop new channels for increasing environmental action and awareness through sport. The G-ForSE Prize is awarded to the best examples of environmental action in sports in three categories ; ‘action on sports facilities and the environment’, ‘action on sports events and the environment’ and ‘action on sports equipment and the environment’.

G-ForSE is also taking an active role in increasing environmental awareness and action in our future generations through its Dream Camps and Dream Match projects. Dream Camps provides sports coaching and environmental education for under-privileged children and works in cooperation with organizations such as the Sadili Oval in Nairobi, Kenya. Dream Match involves exhibition matches and environmental messages from world class teams and sport stars that educate and inspire young athletes-our future generation.

G-ForSE aims to play a leading role in the field of ‘sport and the environment’, helping to increase environmental awareness and action and the shaping of a new sports culture.

Organized by NPO Global Sports Alliance (GSA) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Pour en savoir plus :
GSA website- http://www.gsa.or.jp/en/index.html
The Ecoflag Project- http://www.ecoflag.com/index_e.html
G-ForSE Project- http://www.g-forse.com/index_e.html
Sports-Eco.Net Project- http://www.sports-eco.net/index_en.html

Le fondateur de GSA http://www.gsa.or.jp
Born : January 1953, Tokyo
Education : Ph.D. from University of California, Los Angeles in 1982 in Material Science and Engineering, specializing in fracture mechanics of ceramics.
Current Occupation : NPO Global Sports Alliance, Executive Director

While working on the development of large-scale ski resorts in Niigata Prefecture in 1992, Dr. Okada was awakened to the state of modern environmental problems and began to work on developing resorts that co-exist with the environment under a theme of preserving local culture and natural ecosystems with particular interests on preserving the top soil. In order to promote chemical-free organic farming, he established the Youkey Inc., which started to produce organically grown rice in Niigata in April 1996.
He established TfE (Technology for Ecology), an investment company that assists the development of environmentally protective technologies that make ‘goods that last’, use ‘natural energy’ or make ‘fertile soil’.
In November 1999, he established the non-profit organization, Global Sports Alliance (GSA) in Tokyo that aims to unite over one billion sport lovers around the world in tackling global environmental problems.

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